When #television was first invented, it was a brand new, shiny way to watch radio programs. Television was a family event; something to be done with others. The amount of television programs that exist now is unthinkable to try and count. When I came home from school, watching TV was my #1 activity (after completing my homework, of course). However, television provided a great escape from our everyday boring lives. Whether we wanted to go into space, strike "black gold", or try to be in our husband's musical show; television provided us with some of the best #entertainment over many years. Moreover, the #invention of television provided a more in-depth view for #news programming as well. Television became a part of the lives of everyone from the moment in entered our homes nearly 70 years ago.

To many, television has lost its shine. Of course, with #streaming services and #ondemand, #watching television has become more available to many. However, #classic television shows have seemed to be forgotten in the way that #radio is in this day and age. Some of the funniest #TV moments in history, in my opinion, occurred on classic TV shows. For example, who remembers #Lucy and #Ethel working in the chocolate factory (no #spoilers here!); if not #google it and you will laugh until you can't breath or a #sergeant in a war camp "seeing nothing". Nevertheless, the simple formula of #comedy and good old-fashioned #wholesomeness may not age well for some classic television shows, but that's what makes them #timeless in the 21st century. Watching a television from the #1950s and #1960s and realizing that it hasn't aged well into the 21st century shows how well television and us, as a society, have grown.

Some of the best television shows in the last 70 years were first broadcast in black & white. Something about imagining the proper hair color or work shirt fired off the imaginations of many who watched TV growing up. For example, Lucille Ball was a red-head; but black & white TV made her hair look golden if you didn't know what she looked it before #color television made its appearance in the early #60s. Classic TV shows provided many the steady everyday life that all American families may have gone through at the time; with added comedic events. Television brought the family together and after the show was over when #learned a #valuable #life lesson.

Of course, now we live in a more #equal #society where anyone can create a television show or #series; however the perfect formula isn't just the #writing. The #actors that fit just right can help make a good television show a great television show. Moreover, more than 2 #actors can create television magic which makes watching TV all the more enjoyable to watch. Some of the best classic TV shows, in my opinion, weren't just 1 actor carrying the show, but the entire #ensemble cast. This is how TV #magic was made; whether the show was making you laugh, cry, or excited by the action. Television had us excited to watch it; now we just #chill and #binge forgetting that television was a way for have us wind down for the #evening. But, today's society has become too fast for the laid back pace of many classic TV shows; which makes them more enjoyable to watch and laugh like no one can hear us or cry when no one can see us.

#ilovelucy #theandygriffithshow #thebevelryhillbillies #leaveittobeaver #theaddamsfamily #thehoneymooners #thedickvandykeshow #bonanaza #gunsmoke #therifleman